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  суббота 29 декабря

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THE DEVELOPMENT OF FAIR PLAY ATTITUDE OF FOOTBALL STUDIES (Experimental and Application Studies of Model Study of Football of Brotherhood and the Rule of the Games toward Forming of Fair Play Attitude for Children Aging 10-12 Years) By: Nuryadi & Aming Supriatna ABSTRACT This research is based on the results of a field observation which shows that most of the School Football (SSB) coaches are teaching about physical practise, technical, and tactical practice only. Psychological aspects like values, ethics, moral, and regulations of the game has not been attended specifically, even tend to have been ignored.

Makalah permainan bola basket

This type of study model have been referred to by researchers as the conventional teaching of football. In reality, the application of this conventional shows that the children that come up in the game on the field often presented attitudes that appose against, the values of fair play. Researchers would assume that the attitude of fair play will start from understanding, applying and of the written regulations which has to be started since their young ages. Based on these backgrounds, the problem of this research has to be focused on the application of the experimental studies on the eight Regulations of the Brotherhood and the 17 Articles of the Regulation of the Game in line of the fair play attitude of boys aging 10-12 years at Football School.

Design in use is the pretest- posttest design, with instrument (attitude questioner) of fair play which has been tested on it’s validity and reliability. Population and samples consisting of children aging 10-12 years that joined in the 36 Football School in Bandung.

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Chosen by way of tossing resulted in two groups, particularly The SSB Diana and the SSB Nusa Raya. The experimental group (SSB Diana) consists of 24 children, and the control group (SSB Nusa Raya) of 30 children. The results of t-test at the trusted 95% level indicates that at the Brotherhood model study experiments and the Rule of the Game, the value of t-counts to 2.38 > t- tables of 1.68. This means that there is a significant difference between the average fair play attitudes before and after the tests gained by the experimental group. Examinations of control group tests (conventional study) proved the value of the t-count equals to 0.134 t-tables of 1.67. The application of the Brotherhood model and the Game Regulations may give a significant influence on the attitude of fair play. This will mean that the fair play attitude presented by the experimental group is better as compared to the fair play attitude of the control group that used the conventional studies.