Galinin Zajchik Noti

  вторник 05 февраля

Student in the School of Engineering and Computer Science of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and at the Federmann Center for the Study of Rationality, under the supervision of Prof. I am interested in topics in the intersection of computer science, economics and psychology. In particular, I am interested in gaining insights from human decision making behavior for.

Student in of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and at, under the supervision of Prof. I am interested in topics in the intersection of computer science, economics and psychology. In particular, I am interested in gaining insights from human decision making behavior for enhancing mechanism design and systems, and vice versa, using the framework of (algorithmic-) game theory and machine learning. Office: Room A434, Rothberg building. School of Computer Science and Engineering. Email: galinoti at gmail dot com.

In particular, mountain nyala had greater stem dpb, higher bite rates, and spent a greater proportion of their time in feeding and less in induced vigilance in the grasslands. Following each transect, through focal animal observations, we assessed and quantified stem diameters at point of browse (dpb, bite rates, and time budgets of mountain nyala in grasslands versus woodlands. We randomly laid out three transects in each habitat type. The results showed that stem dpb, bite rates, induced vigilance, and proportion of time spent in feeding differed between habitats. Tablica kvadratov ot 10 do 20 po matematike. Stem dpb provide a measure of natural giving-up densities (GUDs and can be used to assess foraging costs and efficiencies, with greater stem dpb corresponding to lower costs and greater efficiencies.