Harvard Simulation Answers

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Get Practical Experience with this Multi-Issue Role-Play Simulation Exercise Harborco is a consortium of development, industrial, and shipping concerns that are eager to proceed with the building of a new port, but face hurdles and potential opposition as they advance through the licensing process. The Federal Licensing Agency would like to see them work with other stakeholders to develop a project that is acceptable to all, or at least most parties. The project proponents must employ their negotiation skills to craft proposals that win the support of others in order to proceed. Stakeholders brought to the table to negotiate include representatives from: • Other ports in the region • The Environmental League • A coalition of environmental interest groups • The Local Federation of Labor Unions • The governor of the state • The Federal Department of Coastal Resources Issues on the table include the types of industries that will be permitted, environmental mitigation required, the role of organized labor, the degree of federal financial assistance, and the question of compensation to other ports in the region for their economic losses. Learning Through Role-Plays Free Teaching Guide: Preview one of the Clearinghouse’s most popular simulations. Harry potter 1 8 1080p torrent. European bus simulator 2012 highly compressed download. Harborco is a multi-party, multi-issue role-play simulation exercise that helps students learn: • Coalition building, maintenance, and disruption • When to bluff or when to stay silent versus revealing information and concerns • Utility analysis and the objectivity of criteria • Pareto-optimality and the maximization of collective and individual gains • The advantages and consequences of caucusing • How to create value in negotiations • Negotiation tactics in the face of opposition • The benefits of neutral facilitators.

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Effective business negotiation means getting a mutually beneficial outcome while earning the respect of both your team and your adversaries. Harborco is one of the Clearinghouse’s most popular role-play simulations. It vividly conveys the challenges of multi-party, multi-issue negotiations, while introducing the ways in which stakeholders can negotiate effectively despite the complexity of the situations they face. Harborco will teach: • How stakeholders can build ‘winning’ coalitions to advance their proposals and ‘blocking’ coalitions to stop those advances. • How to caucus in small groups to build and maintain coalitions. Caucuses typically allow some parties to share certain information or commitments while excluding others.

Some parties may also play a more active role in negotiations while others may engage less often for strategic reasons. • How multi-issue negotiations allow trading across issues so that each party can live with giving up some value on the issues it cares less about in exchange for getting more on issues of central importance.


While particularly powerful as a tool to practice multi-party negotiation, Harborco also provides valuable lessons about many core negotiation concepts, including BATNA, joint gains, and competition-versus-cooperation. Harborco also provides valuable lessons in many of the core negotiation concepts, including BATNA, joint gains, and competition-versus-cooperation.

Put our role-play simulations to work for you. More than 200 role-play simulations in several different languages are available through the Program on Negotiation Clearinghouse, including Harborco. Educators, government officials, business executives, and non-profit leaders have all found that the role-play simulations available through the Program on Negotiation Clearinghouse provide an excellent way to teach negotiation strategies and tactics. Simulations can introduce multi-stakeholder groups to the dynamics of working together, and help them to appreciate and practice effective collaboration for mutual gains. Professor Lawrence Susskind, the vice-chair of Pedagogy for the Program on Negotiation, states: Harborco is a great exercise because it demonstrates the complexity involved when you bring various parties with different interests together to negotiate a large-scale public infrastructure project.