Patrioticheskie Nazvaniya Komandi

  воскресенье 13 января

What is the original name and motto you offer for the team? • 'Tourists' Do not look at others under your feet- Watch yourself on the road. 'Stars of the Continents' The whole world is in our hands Stars of the Continents Destroyed to the nines All our competitors! 'Progress' Not one step back, Not how much in place, And only forward And only all together. 'Freckles' If you want to be in freckles, through a sieve tan.

0.5 2015-04-10 0.5. Reshebnik trenazher po himii vrublevskij -chto-dumaet-nad-smenoy-nazvaniya-proekta-i-svoey-familii.html 2015-11-29 0.5.

'Scarlet Sails' The wind blows in sails, youth believes in miracles. Always swim, swim everywhere, and you will find the way to your dream!

'Major League' And our motto is more business, less words! 'Firefly' Although our light is weak and we are small, But we are friendly and so strong. 'Leader' To be, then be the best! 'Orange' We are like slices of an orange. We are friendly and indivisible.

'Neugomon' Boredom, laziness out of mind, our detachment 'Neugomon'. 'Smile' Life without a smile is a mistake, Long live a laugh and a smile! 'Prometheus' Light a fire in the hearts of people, as Prometheus did.

'Friendship' Our motto: Friendship and success! We will defeat everyone today! All for one, one for all, Then the team will succeed! 'Merry' Laugh in the day 100 times and more, The merry person lives longer! 'Brigantine' Neither boredom nor sorrow On board the Brigantine. 'Worms' Break all the hooks - We are tough worms! 'Fifth Element' We are the fifth element, The eighth wonder of the world!

We are the best of the best, Learn all about it! 'Children of Russia' Ragged jeans, bandanas, sneakers, We are the children of Russia, we are the children of the party!

'Sun' The sun, the sun We are your rays. Being good people You teach us. 'Bots' In the morning we will put on bots And forget all the worries! 'Anthill' An anthill is a class! Gather try us! 'Neposedy' Hop-hey la-la-lei!

The roof goes, we are behind it! 'Tube' As much as we can, we will squeeze so much.

'Buttons' Where we want to get in there. What we want, we will achieve. 'Shurshunchiki' (space theme) Shurshunchiki vperd, vperd, Success leads us to success, Rustling through zvyozdny rain and wind, It's very difficult not to notice us! The solar circle, the space around - Stars, comets, planets, We'll rustle, to rush to the stars, To quickly open: How do comets fly, Do the planets sleep at night?

And we will be able to open other secrets! 'Archimedes' We go to good luck and to victory, We open our life to Archimedes. 'Droplets' We are amicable droplets of a school river We join the sea of ​​a huge country!

'Friendship' You can not - help, do not want to - make, Shame the detachment will not give! 'Rainbow' We will always be together, like a rainbow of color! 'Fairy Winx' Friendship, youth, love, beauty - Here is the formula for the success of fairies! They will come to the rescue always, Only call them - they are at the door! 'Ladushka' 'Ladushka' we love our own We will be stronger today! Brave, healthy and strong guys I grew up our kindergarten!

' 'Baby' We are the team 'Baby', Let's stand by our pot! 'The lord of the highway' Road sign - you are not the enemy!

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